样本编号 SAMC2526174
外部数据库编号 GSA-Human: HRS543853
样品名称 healthy_15_pre
样本标题 healthy
样品类型 Human sample
物种名称 Homo sapiens
描述信息 healthy_15
样本属性 *该样本包含更多受控访问信息,请通过GSA-Human系统申请项目HRA003821数据获取。
发布日期 2023-02-25
项目编号 PRJCA013939
提交者 Xun  Lan  (xlan@tsinghua.edu.cn)
提交单位 Tsinghua University
提交日期 2023-06-18


资源名称 描述
GSA-Human (1) -
HRA003821  (Controlled Access) Patterns in whole-genome-wide features of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in human plasma provide a noninvasive diagnostic approach for cancer detection. However, an integrated analysis toolkit for whole-genome-wide features of cfDNA (INAC) is lacking. In this study, these cfDNA whole-genome features, including cfDNA quality control, fragment size, fragment size ratio, copy number variation, transcription start site (TSS) relative coverage, and promoter fragmentation entropy, were estimated by using the INAC toolkit to analyze a collected independent dataset (50 patients with gastric cancer and 50 healthy controls) with ~10x sequence depth.
Samples (0)