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Database Profile

General information

Full name:
Description: CLIPdb: a CLIP-seq database for protein-RNA interactions.CLIPdb aims to characterize the regulatory networks between RNA binding proteins (RBPs) and various RNA transcript classes by integrating large amounts of CLIP-seq (including HITS-CLIP, PAR-CLIP and iCLIP as variantions) data sets.
Year founded: 2015
Last update: 2015-04-17
Version: v1.0
Real time : Checking...
Country/Region: China

Contact information

University/Institution: Tsinghua University
Address: Beijing, 100084, China
City: Beijing
Province/State: Beijing
Country/Region: China
Contact name (PI/Team): Zhi John Lu
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):


CLIPdb: a CLIP-seq database for protein-RNA interactions. [PMID: 25652745]
Yang YC, Di C, Hu B, Zhou M, Liu Y, Song N, Li Y, Umetsu J, Lu ZJ.

RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) play essential roles in gene expression regulation through their interactions with RNA transcripts, including coding, canonical non-coding and long non-coding RNAs. Large amounts of crosslinking immunoprecipitation (CLIP)-seq data (including HITS-CLIP, PAR-CLIP, and iCLIP) have been recently produced to reveal transcriptome-wide binding sites of RBPs at the single-nucleotide level. Here, we constructed a database, CLIPdb, to describe RBP-RNA interactions based on 395 publicly available CLIP-seq data sets for 111 RBPs from four organisms: human, mouse, worm and yeast. We consistently annotated the CLIP-seq data sets and RBPs, and developed a user-friendly interface for rapid navigation of the CLIP-seq data. We applied a unified computational method to identify transcriptome-wide binding sites, making the binding sites directly comparable and the data available for integration across different CLIP-seq studies. The high-resolution binding sites of the RBPs can be visualized on the whole-genome scale using a browser. In addition, users can browse and download the identified binding sites of all profiled RBPs by querying genes of interest, including both protein coding genes and non-coding RNAs. Manually curated metadata and uniformly identified binding sites of publicly available CLIP-seq data sets will be a foundation for further integrative and comparative analyses. With maintained up-to-date data sets and improved functionality, CLIPdb ( ) will be a valuable resource for improving the understanding of post-transcriptional regulatory networks.

BMC Genomics. 2015:16() | 140 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-09-07)


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Created on: 2015-06-30
Curated by:
Lina Ma [2018-05-21]
Mengwei Li [2016-03-31]
Mengwei Li [2016-02-20]
Mengwei Li [2015-12-03]