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Database Profile

General information

Full name: Thermodynamic Database for Proteins and Mutants
Description: ProTherm is thermodynamic database that contains experimentally determined thermodynamic parameters of protein stability.
Year founded: 1999
Last update: 2021
Version: 5.0
Real time : Checking...
Country/Region: India

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Contact information

University/Institution: Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Address: 516 Protein Bioinformatics Lab, Department of Biotechnology, IIT Madras
City: Madras
Country/Region: India
Contact name (PI/Team): Prof. Michael Gromiha
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):


ProThermDB: thermodynamic database for proteins and mutants revisited after 15 years. [PMID: 33196841]
Nikam R, Kulandaisamy A, Harini K, Sharma D, Gromiha MM.

ProThermDB is an updated version of the thermodynamic database for proteins and mutants (ProTherm), which has ∼31 500 data on protein stability, an increase of 84% from the previous version. It contains several thermodynamic parameters such as melting temperature, free energy obtained with thermal and denaturant denaturation, enthalpy change and heat capacity change along with experimental methods and conditions, sequence, structure and literature information. Besides, the current version of the database includes about 120 000 thermodynamic data obtained for different organisms and cell lines, which are determined by recent high throughput proteomics techniques using whole-cell approaches. In addition, we provided a graphical interface for visualization of mutations at sequence and structure levels. ProThermDB is cross-linked with other relevant databases, PDB, UniProt, PubMed etc. It is freely available at without any login requirements. It is implemented in Python, HTML and JavaScript, and supports the latest versions of major browsers, such as Firefox, Chrome and Safari.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2021:49(D1) | 57 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-27)
Applications of Protein Thermodynamic Database for Understanding Protein Mutant Stability and Designing Stable Mutants. [PMID: 27115628]
Gromiha MM, Anoosha P, Huang LT.

Protein stability is the free energy difference between unfolded and folded states of a protein, which lies in the range of 5-25 kcal/mol. Experimentally, protein stability is measured with circular dichroism, differential scanning calorimetry, and fluorescence spectroscopy using thermal and denaturant denaturation methods. These experimental data have been accumulated in the form of a database, ProTherm, thermodynamic database for proteins and mutants. It also contains sequence and structure information of a protein, experimental methods and conditions, and literature information. Different features such as search, display, and sorting options and visualization tools have been incorporated in the database. ProTherm is a valuable resource for understanding/predicting the stability of proteins and it can be accessed at . ProTherm has been effectively used to examine the relationship among thermodynamics, structure, and function of proteins. We describe the recent progress on the development of methods for understanding/predicting protein stability, such as (1) general trends on mutational effects on stability, (2) relationship between the stability of protein mutants and amino acid properties, (3) applications of protein three-dimensional structures for predicting their stability upon point mutations, (4) prediction of protein stability upon single mutations from amino acid sequence, and (5) prediction methods for addressing double mutants. A list of online resources for predicting has also been provided.

Methods Mol Biol. 2016:1415() | 8 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-27)
Thermodynamic database for proteins: features and applications. [PMID: 20221915]
Gromiha MM, Sarai A.

We have developed a thermodynamic database for proteins and mutants, ProTherm, which is a collection of a large number of thermodynamic data on protein stability along with the sequence and structure information, experimental methods and conditions, and literature information. This is a valuable resource for understanding/predicting the stability of proteins, and it can be accessible at . ProTherm has several features including various search, display, and sorting options and visualization tools. We have analyzed the data in ProTherm to examine the relationship among thermodynamics, structure, and function of proteins. We describe the progress on the development of methods for understanding/predicting protein stability, such as (i) relationship between the stability of protein mutants and amino acid properties, (ii) average assignment method, (iii) empirical energy functions, (iv) torsion, distance, and contact potentials, and (v) machine learning techniques. The list of online resources for predicting protein stability has also been provided.

Methods Mol Biol. 2010:609() | 12 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-27)
ProTherm and ProNIT: thermodynamic databases for proteins and protein-nucleic acid interactions. [PMID: 16381846]
Kumar MD, Bava KA, Gromiha MM, Prabakaran P, Kitajima K, Uedaira H, Sarai A.

ProTherm and ProNIT are two thermodynamic databases that contain experimentally determined thermodynamic parameters of protein stability and protein-nucleic acid interactions, respectively. The current versions of both the databases have considerably increased the total number of entries and enhanced search interface with added new fields, improved search, display and sorting options. As on September 2005, ProTherm release 5.0 contains 17,113 entries from 771 proteins, retrieved from 1497 scientific articles (approximately 20% increase in data from the previous version). ProNIT release 2.0 contains 4900 entries from 273 research articles, representing 158 proteins. Both databases can be queried using WWW interfaces. Both quick search and advanced search are provided on this web page to facilitate easy retrieval and display of the data from these databases. ProTherm is freely available online at and ProNIT at

Nucleic Acids Res. 2006:34(Database issue) | 227 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-27)
ProTherm, version 4.0: thermodynamic database for proteins and mutants. [PMID: 14681373]
Bava KA, Gromiha MM, Uedaira H, Kitajima K, Sarai A.

Release 4.0 of ProTherm, thermodynamic database for proteins and mutants, contains approximately 14,500 numerical data (approximately 450% of the first version) of several thermodynamic parameters along with experimental methods and conditions, and structural, functional and literature information. The sequence and structural information of proteins is connected with thermodynamic data through links between entries in Protein Data Bank, Protein Information Resource and SWISS-PROT and the data in ProTherm. We have separated the Gibbs free energy change obtained at extrapolated temperature from the data on denaturation temperature measured by the thermal denaturation method. We have added the statistics of amino acid replacements and links to homologous structures to each protein. Further, we have improved the search and display options to enhance search capability through the web interface. ProTherm is freely available at http://gibk26.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2004:32(Database issue) | 181 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-27)
ProTherm, Thermodynamic Database for Proteins and Mutants: developments in version 3.0. [PMID: 11752320]
Gromiha MM, Uedaira H, An J, Selvaraj S, Prabakaran P, Sarai A.

The current release of ProTherm, Thermodynamic Database for Proteins and Mutants, contains more than 10 000 numerical data (300% of the first version) of several thermodynamic parameters, experimental methods and conditions, reversibility of folding, details about the surrounding residues in space for all mutants, structural, functional and literature information. In the current version, we have added information about the source of each protein, identification codes for SWISS-PROT and Protein Information Resource and unique Protein Data Bank (PDB) code for proteins with relevant source. We have also provided additional options to search for data based on PDB code, number of states and reversibility. ProTherm is cross-linked with other sequence, structural, functional and literature databases, and the mutant sites and surrounding residues are automatically mapped on the structure. The ProTherm database is freely available at

Nucleic Acids Res. 2002:30(1) | 29 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-27)
ProTherm, version 2.0: thermodynamic database for proteins and mutants. [PMID: 10592247]
Gromiha MM, An J, Kono H, Oobatake M, Uedaira H, Prabakaran P, Sarai A.

ProTherm 2.0 is the second release of the Thermo-dynamic Database for Proteins and Mutants that includes numerical data for several thermodynamic parameters, structural information, experimental methods and conditions, functional and literature information. The present release contains >5500 entries, an approximately 67% increase over the previous version. In addition, we have included information about reversibility of data, details about buffer and ion concentrations and the surrounding residues in space for all mutants. A WWW interface enables users to search data based on various conditions with different sorting options for outputs. Further, ProTherm has links with other structural and literature databases, and the mutation sites and surrounding residues are automatically mapped on the structures and can be directly viewed through 3DinSight developed in our laboratory. The ProTherm database is freely available through the WWW at

Nucleic Acids Res. 2000:28(1) | 40 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-27)
ProTherm: Thermodynamic Database for Proteins and Mutants. [PMID: 9847203]
Gromiha MM, An J, Kono H, Oobatake M, Uedaira H, Sarai A.

The first release of the Thermodynamic Database for Proteins and Mutants (ProTherm) contains more than 3300 data of several thermodynamic parameters for wild type and mutant proteins. Each entry includes numerical data for unfolding Gibbs free energy change, enthalpy change, heat capacity change, transition temperature, activity etc., which are important for understanding the mechanism of protein stability. ProTherm also includes structural information such as secondary structure and solvent accessibility of wild type residues, and experimental methods and other conditions. A WWW interface enables users to search data based on various conditions with different sorting options for outputs. Further, ProTherm is cross-linked with NCBI PUBMED literature database, Protein Mutant Database, Enzyme Code and Protein Data Bank structural database. Moreover, all the mutation sites associated with each PDB structure are automatically mapped and can be directly viewed through 3DinSight developed in our laboratory. The database is available at the URL, l

Nucleic Acids Res. 1999:27(1) | 71 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-27)


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Created on: 2015-07-17
Curated by:
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Lina Ma [2022-04-27]
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Shixiang Sun [2016-03-28]
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Shixiang Sun [2015-11-22]