Database Commons
Database Commons

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Database Profile

General information

Full name:
Description: a freely accessible, regularly updated comprehensive archive supplying the largest available collection of predicted and experimentally verified miRNA-target interactions, with various novel and unique features to assist the scientific community.
Year founded: 2011
Last update: 2018
Version: v.2.0
Real time : Checking...
Country/Region: Germany

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Contact information

University/Institution: University of Heidelberg
Address: Present affiliation: Division of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Jefferson, Arizona.
Country/Region: Germany
Contact name (PI/Team): Carsten Sticht
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):


miRWalk: An online resource for prediction of microRNA binding sites. [PMID: 30335862]
Sticht C, De La Torre C, Parveen A, Gretz N.

miRWalk is an open-source platform providing an intuitive interface that generates predicted and validated miRNA-binding sites of known genes of human, mouse, rat, dog and cow. The core of miRWalk is the miRNA target site prediction with the random-forest-based approach software TarPmiR searching the complete transcript sequence including the 5'-UTR, CDS and 3'-UTR. Moreover, it integrates results other databases with predicted and validated miRNA-target interactions. The focus is set on a modular design and extensibility as well as a fast update cycle. The database is available using Python, MySQL and HTML/Javascript Database URL:

PLoS One. 2018:13(10) | 784 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-06-29)
Obtaining miRNA-Target Interaction Information from miRWalk2.0. [PMID: 27603021]
Parveen A, Gretz N, Dweep H.

miRWalk2.0 ( is a freely accessible, regularly updated comprehensive archive supplying the largest available collection of predicted and experimentally verified miRNA-target interactions, with various novel and unique features to assist the scientific community. Approximately 949 million interactions between 11,748 miRNAs, 308,700 genes, and 68,460 lncRNAs are documented in miRWalk2.0 with 5,146,217 different kinds of identifiers to offer a one-stop site to collect an abundance of information. This article describes a schematic workflow on how to obtain miRNA-target interactions from miRWalk2.0. © 2016 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Curr Protoc Bioinformatics. 2016:55() | 3 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-06-29)
miRWalk2.0: a comprehensive atlas of microRNA-target interactions. [PMID: 26226356]
Dweep H, Gretz N.
Nat Methods. 2015:12(8) | 800 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-06-29)
miRWalk database for miRNA-target interactions. [PMID: 25055920]
Dweep H, Gretz N, Sticht C.

miRWalk ( is a publicly available comprehensive resource, hosting the predicted as well as the experimentally validated microRNA (miRNA)-target interaction pairs. This database allows obtaining the possible miRNA-binding site predictions within the complete sequence of all known genes of three genomes (human, mouse, and rat). Moreover, it also integrates many novel features such as a comparative platform of miRNA-binding sites resulting from ten different prediction datasets, a holistic view of genetic networks of miRNA-gene pathway, and miRNA-gene-Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man disorder interactions, and unique experimentally validated information (e.g., cell lines, diseases, miRNA processing proteins). In this chapter, we describe a schematic workflow on how one can access the stored information from miRWalk and subsequently summarize its applications.

Methods Mol Biol. 2014:1182() | 178 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-06-29)
miRWalk--database: prediction of possible miRNA binding sites by "walking" the genes of three genomes. [PMID: 21605702]
Dweep H, Sticht C, Pandey P, Gretz N.

MicroRNAs are small, non-coding RNA molecules that can complementarily bind to the mRNA 3'-UTR region to regulate the gene expression by transcriptional repression or induction of mRNA degradation. Increasing evidence suggests a new mechanism by which miRNAs may regulate target gene expression by binding in promoter and amino acid coding regions. Most of the existing databases on miRNAs are restricted to mRNA 3'-UTR region. To address this issue, we present miRWalk, a comprehensive database on miRNAs, which hosts predicted as well as validated miRNA binding sites, information on all known genes of human, mouse and rat. All mRNAs, mitochondrial genes and 10 kb upstream flanking regions of all known genes of human, mouse and rat were analyzed by using a newly developed algorithm named 'miRWalk' as well as with eight already established programs for putative miRNA binding sites. An automated and extensive text-mining search was performed on PubMed database to extract validated information on miRNAs. Combined information was put into a MySQL database. miRWalk presents predicted and validated information on miRNA-target interaction. Such a resource enables researchers to validate new targets of miRNA not only on 3'-UTR, but also on the other regions of all known genes. The 'Validated Target module' is updated every month and the 'Predicted Target module' is updated every 6 months. miRWalk is freely available at

J Biomed Inform. 2011:44(5) | 1125 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-06-29)


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Created on: 2018-01-28
Curated by:
Lina Ma [2019-11-27]
Shoaib Saleem [2019-11-19]
Lina Ma [2019-01-29]
Dong Zou [2019-01-12]
Hizran Khatoon [2018-04-16]