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Database Profile

General information

Full name:
Description: PHYMYCO-DB is a database designed to help the mycologist community to access to fungal DNA markers data for phylogenetic analyses. PHYMYCO-DB is inserted within different pipelines of amplicon sequencing data analyses. The database contain automatically and manually curated sequence data. Two fungal DNA targets, the SSU rRNA gene (ie 18S rRNA gene) and the EF1 alpha, are curated within the database. Reference alignments are also provided at the PHYMYCO-DB website.
Year founded: 2012
Last update: 2014-06-01
Version: v1.2
Real time : Checking...
Country/Region: France

Classification & Tag

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Data object:
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Major species:

Contact information

University/Institution: University of Rennes 1
Address: CNRS, UMR 6553 ECOBIO, Campus de Beaulieu, Rennes, France
City: Rennes
Country/Region: France
Contact name (PI/Team): Philippe Vandenkoornhuyse
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):


PHYMYCO-DB: a curated database for analyses of fungal diversity and evolution. [PMID: 23028445]
Mahé S, Duhamel M, Le Calvez T, Guillot L, Sarbu L, Bretaudeau A, Collin O, Dufresne A, Kiers ET, Vandenkoornhuyse P.

In environmental sequencing studies, fungi can be identified based on nucleic acid sequences, using either highly variable sequences as species barcodes or conserved sequences containing a high-quality phylogenetic signal. For the latter, identification relies on phylogenetic analyses and the adoption of the phylogenetic species concept. Such analysis requires that the reference sequences are well identified and deposited in public-access databases. However, many entries in the public sequence databases are problematic in terms of quality and reliability and these data require screening to ensure correct phylogenetic interpretation. To facilitate phylogenetic inferences and phylogenetic assignment, we introduce a fungal sequence database. The database PHYMYCO-DB comprises fungal sequences from GenBank that have been filtered to satisfy stringent sequence quality criteria. For the first release, two widely used molecular taxonomic markers were chosen: the nuclear SSU rRNA and EF1-? gene sequences. Following the automatic extraction and filtration, a manual curation is performed to remove problematic sequences while preserving relevant sequences useful for phylogenetic studies. As a result of curation, ~20% of the automatically filtered sequences have been removed from the database. To demonstrate how PHYMYCO-DB can be employed, we test a set of environmental Chytridiomycota sequences obtained from deep sea samples. PHYMYCO-DB offers the tools necessary to: (i) extract high quality fungal sequences for each of the 5 fungal phyla, at all taxonomic levels, (ii) extract already performed alignments, to act as 'reference alignments', (iii) launch alignments of personal sequences along with stored data. A total of 9120 SSU rRNA and 672 EF1-? high-quality fungal sequences are now available. The PHYMYCO-DB is accessible through the URL

PLoS One. 2012:7(9) | 18 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-07-27)


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Created on: 2015-06-30
Curated by:
Lina Ma [2018-07-03]
Shixiang Sun [2016-03-25]
Shixiang Sun [2015-11-21]