A plate-based single cell ATAC-seq method for fast and robust profiling of chromatin accessibility
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Profiling chromatin accessibility at the single cell level provides critical information about cell type compositions and cell-to-cell variation within a complex tissue. Emerging techniques for the interrogation of chromatin accessibility in individual cells allow investigating the fundamental mechanisms that lead to the variability of different cells. This protocol describes a recent development of a fast and robust method for single cell chromatin accessibility profiling. It is based on the assay for transposase-accessible chromatin using sequencing (ATAC-seq). The method combines upfront bulk Tn5 tagging of nuclei with flow cytometry sorting to isolate single nuclei. Reagents required to generate sequencing libraries are added to the same well in the plate. The whole procedure can be finished within one or two days with a throughput of hundreds to thousands of nuclei. The execution of the protocol only requires basic techniques and equipment in a molecular biology lab with flow cytometry support.
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Open access
Study type:
Cell line related study
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Individuals & samples
Submitter:   Chen Xi /
Organization:   Southern University of Science and Technology
Submission date:   2021-01-27