Chromatin accessibility complex subunit 1 enhances tumor growth by regulating the oncogenic transcription of YAP in breast and cervical cancer
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CHRAC1, a member of the chromatin remodeling family, plays a crucial role in DNA transcription and replication, and is also involved in the regulation of cell cycle. However, its role in tumorigenesis is rarely studied. In the current study, we validated that CHRAC1 promoted the proliferation of breast and cervical cancer cells by enhancing the transcription of YAP target oncogenes. Moreover, we observed increased expression of CHRAC1 in various tumor tissues, and high expression of CHRAC1 was associated with YAP and poor prognosis in cancer patients. These results suggest that CHRAC1 plays an important role in cancer development and may be a potential target for cancer therapy.
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Open access
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Cell line related study
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Individuals & samples
Submitter:   Zhang Huixia /
Organization:   Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Submission date:   2023-03-19