Single-cell multi-omics sequencing reveals the epigenomic landscapes in human spermatogenesis [HEK293T DMSO vs Deci]
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Here, by simultaneously investigating the chromatin accessibility, DNA methylome and transcriptome landscapes of human spermatogenesis using the modified single-cell chromatin overall omic-scale landscape sequencing approach (Modified scCOOL-seq), we revealed that the transcriptional changes throughout human spermatogenesis were correlated with the dynamic alternations of chromatin accessibility. Remarkably, a round of DNA demethylation was uncovered upon meiosis initiation in human spermatogenesis, which was associated with male meiotic recombination and conserved in human and mouse. And aberrant DNA hypermethylation at recombination hotspots could be detected in leptotene spermatocytes of certain nonobstructive azoospermia patients. Functionally, the intervention of DNA demethylation affected male meiotic recombination. Collectively, this study provides multi-omics landscapes of human spermatogenesis, and offers insights into the association between DNA demethylation and male meiotic recombination.
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Open access
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Cell line related study
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Individuals & samples
Submitter:   Zhao Xiaoyang /
Organization:   Southern Medical University
Submission date:   2023-06-25