Experiment information
Accession CRX095352
Organism Kandelia obovata
Title K.ob_sq1
BioProject PRJCA002330
BioSample SAMC141139
Platform PacBio Sequel
Library name Construction protocol Strategy Source Selection Layout
Pacbio platform 20Kb De Novo Library Construction Process: 1 Construction Library DNA preparation: high-quality Whole Genome Long Segment DNA; 2 segment screening: Bluepippin screening more than 15K fragments; 3 Connector Connection: First, the end of the segment into a flat end, the two ends of the link ring-shaped single chain: single chain and double-strand positive and negative chain respectively connected to get a Dumbbell ("set horse ring") structure, known as SMRT Bell. WGS GENOMIC unspecified SINGLE
Release date2020-05-08
Run accession Run data file information
File nameFile size (MB)
CRR120126 CRR120126.fastq.gz 3,759.85
CRR120127 CRR120127.fastq.gz 4,432.57
SubmitterZou Shuang-Quan (zbaolifafu@163.com)
OrganizationFujian Agriculture and Forestry University
Date submitted2020-03-06
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