Experiment information
Accession CRX495534
Organism Schmidtea mediterranea
Title SC_0h
BioProject PRJCA011425
BioSample SAMC863187
Platform Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Library name Construction protocol Strategy Source Selection Layout
Single cell suspension was prepared as previously described with some modifications. Briefly, planarians were finely diced on ice plate and washed off the plate with CMFB buffer, followed by digestion with 1% trypsin in CMFB (CMF+0.5%BSA) for 8 min at room temperature with gentle agitation, and then pipetting up and down the suspension to break up the clumps. After strained through a 40 mm filter, cells were pelleted by centrifugation at 290 g for 5 minutes at 4°C and stained with Hoechst 33342 (Thermo, 62249) for 30 minutes at room temperature. Before loading onto MoFlo cell sorter, cells were strained again and then Propidium iodide (Thermo, J66584.AB) was added to discriminate dead cells. For single-cell RNA-seq from 10x Chromium platform, Hoechst-stained and PI negative cells (200,000 cells) from wild-type animals were collected on ice using cell sorter. The libraries were made using the Chromium platform and Chromium Single Cell 3’ v3 chemistry. Sequencing libraries were loaded on an Illumina nova 6000 flowcell with two 150bp paired-end kits. RNA-Seq TRANSCRIPTOMIC unspecified PAIRED
Processing Planned read length (bp) for mate 1: 150
Planned read length (bp) for mate 2: 150
Release date2023-04-28
Run accession Run data file information
File nameFile size (MB)
CRR559418 CRR559418_f1.fastq.gz
Submitteryang ying (yingyang@big.ac.cn)
OrganizationBeijing Institute of Genomics
Date submitted2022-08-24