Experiment information
Accession CRX562152
Organism Mus musculus
Title mouse_SSc_scRNAseq_day3_sample1
BioProject PRJCA013905
BioSample SAMC1020980
Platform Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Library name Construction protocol Strategy Source Selection Layout
Single cells were obtained as gel bead-in-emulsions (GEMs) using the 10X Genomics (Pleasanton, CA, USA) Chromium platform based on the manufacturer's protocol. Briefly, cell suspensions of skin tissue with reverse transcription master mix were loaded onto the 10X Genomics Single Cell 3' chip and partitioned into GEMs with gel beads precoated with oligonucleotides containing a poly-dT primer sequence to capture released mRNAs, a 16-bp 10X barcode for cell indexing, and a 10-bp unique molecular identifier (UMI) to distinguish between transcripts. After reverse transcription, barcoded cDNAs for each sample were amplified to generate a sufficient volume for library construction using the Single Cell 3' Reagent Kit (v3 chemistry). Libraries were subjected to 150-bp paired-end sequencing performed by Novogene (Beijing, China) on a NovaSeq 6000 system (Illumina, San Diego, CA, USA). ssRNA-Seq TRANSCRIPTOMIC SINGLE CELL unspecified PAIRED
Processing Planned read length (bp) for mate 1: 150
Planned read length (bp) for mate 2: 150
Release date2023-12-01
Run accession Run data file information
File nameFile size (MB)
CRR629990 CRR629990.tar.gz 4,378.46
CRR629991 CRR629991.tar.gz 4,037.2
CRR629992 CRR629992.tar.gz 4,342.63
CRR629993 CRR629993.tar.gz 4,296.84
CRR629994 CRR629994.tar.gz 1,428.96
CRR629995 CRR629995.tar.gz 1,284.69
CRR629996 CRR629996.tar.gz 1,412.47
CRR629997 CRR629997.tar.gz 1,382.07
CRR629998 CRR629998.tar.gz 4,544.04
CRR629999 CRR629999.tar.gz 4,196.14
CRR630000 CRR630000.tar.gz 4,590.27
CRR630001 CRR630001.tar.gz 4,479.47
CRR630002 CRR630002.tar.gz 11,437.98
CRR630003 CRR630003.tar.gz 10,424.26
CRR630004 CRR630004.tar.gz 11,429.06
CRR630005 CRR630005.tar.gz 11,164.33
SubmitterYongfei Hu (yongfei_hu_joe@163.com)
OrganizationSouthern Medical University
Date submitted2022-12-18