iSheepa curated database of sheep variants and phenotypes

Welcome to iSheep !

iSheep is a dedicated database for Ovis aries that provides open access to a complete collection of sheep genes, variants, genome-wide variant-trait associations and breeds.

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About us

iSheep is developed and maintained by National Genomics Data Center (NGDC), Beijing Institute of Genomics (BIG), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). The majority of data are generated by Menghua Li's Lab, College of Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University.

Please cite

Wang ZH, Zhu QH, Li X, Zhu JW, Tian DM, Zhang SS, Kang HL, Li CP, Dong LL, Zhao WM, Li MH. iSheep: an Integrated Resource for Sheep Genome, Variant and Phenotype. Front Genet 2021 Aug 17;12:714852. PMID: 34490043

Resource Overview

26,802 Genes

70,370,968 SNPs

12,318,530 Indels

2,778 Samples (WGS:355; 50k:1512;


1,417 Breeds

922 GWAS

52   GWAS Publications

Recent updates
2020-1-20  Genotype to phenotype informations were added.
2019-6-29  iSheep version1 was released.
Global Visitors

Since June 29, 2019

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