Research and development of new technologies for preimplantation genetic diagnosis


Title Research and development of new technologies for preimplantation genetic diagnosis
Description This subject conducts clinical translational research on novel preimplantation genetic testing technology. The research is divided into two parts. In the first part, the construction and clinical translation of a preimplantation genetic testing platform based on single-molecule high-throughput sequencing (third-generation sequencing) technology were carried out. This technology will also effectively evaluate the chromosomal mosaicism embryos; and build libraries separately after biopsy samples are split to reduce the incidence of allelic dropout, provide a way to solve the two major problems faced by PGT, and open up new fields of PGT development.The second part studies the clinical translation research of non-invasive preimplantation genetic testing technology based on cell-free DNA detection in embryo culture medium. The development of non-invasive embryo chromosome screening technology will revolutionize the development of embryo developmental potential detection.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type -
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA008201
Release Date 2024-04-01
Submitter YAO yuanqing (
Organization Chinese PLA General Hospital
Submission Date 2022-03-10
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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX001018-99-01 Clinicaltrial Samples 1002 others 409.75 KB zip 0 Controlled
OMIX001018-99-02 Standarddized sampleing method samples 201 others 91.03 KB zip 0 Controlled
OMIX001018-99-03 NICS results assess samples 1037 others 46.87 KB zip 0 Controlled
OMIX001018-99-04 Assess cotamination sequecing samples 178 others 23.16 KB zip 0 Controlled
OMIX001018-50-05 Assess cotamination samples arraydata 393 DNA Microarray 9.38 GB zip 0 Controlled

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