Identification of Genetic Loci and Candidate Genes Responsible for Stalk Sugar Content and Agronomic Traits in Fresh Corn via GWAS across Multiple Environments


Title Identification of Genetic Loci and Candidate Genes Responsible for Stalk Sugar Content and Agronomic Traits in Fresh Corn via GWAS across Multiple Environments
Description In this study, based on 36,069 high-quality single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from 188 sweet, waxy and hybrid corn accessions with relatively great difference in stalk sugar content, 32 genomic regions and 172 genes were detected as being under selection using selective-sweep analysis between sweet and waxy corns. Furthermore, using the agronomic traits and stalk sugar content of 4 environments from 2 years of spring and autumn sowing, the genome-wide association analysis (GWAS) were performed, which identified a total of 92 significant associated SNPs and 37 significant SNPs were simultaneously identified across multiple environments, and the related candidate genes encoding CDPK, MYB, pyruvate dehydrogenase, pectinesterase and so on.
Organism Zea mays
Data Type -
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA009494
Release Date 2022-05-11
Submitter liancheng liu (
Organization Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Submission Date 2022-05-09
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