LINE-1 insulates chromatin in a transcription-dependent manner


Title LINE-1 insulates chromatin in a transcription-dependent manner
Description We uncover a class of L1s that enrich transcribing RNA polymerase IIs (Pol IIs), express L1 chimeric transcripts and insulate chromatin into topologically associating domains (TADs). We term these L1s 'the L1 insulators'. The insulating activity of L1s is inhibited by the nuclear matrix-associated protein Scaffold Attachment Factor B (SAFB). Knockout of SAFB increased Pol II binding at L1 insulators, and consequently strengthened TAD boundary formation. This effect was abolished by acute inhibition of Pol II transcription, indicating that the TAD boundary formation at L1s is dependent on ongoing transcription. Intriguingly, L1 insulators are characterized by enhancer-like chromatin signatures, and can affect gene transcription over long genomic distances.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Other Type of Genomic Data
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA005250
Release Date 2024-04-23
Submitter Nian Liu (
Organization Tsinghua University
Submission Date 2022-07-20
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