A spatiotemporal gene expression and cell atlas of the developing rat ovary


Title A spatiotemporal gene expression and cell atlas of the developing rat ovary
Description We performed scRNA-Seq, as well as spatial transcriptomic sequencing to profile the ovarian transcriptome atlas in rat. We identified four components of developing granulosa cell and constructed their differential transcriptional regulatory networks, and described three cumulus sequential phases with follicle development and determined key transcriptional factors in each cumulus phases. Moreover, we pinpointed that macrophages may involve in luteal regression.
Organism Rattus norvegicus
Data Type Other Type of Image Data
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA013022
Release Date 2023-10-26
Submitter yang ying (
Organization Beijing Institute of Genomics
Submission Date 2022-11-21
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