Single-cell sequencing of clinical samples of pancreatic cancer with liver metastases


Title Single-cell sequencing of clinical samples of pancreatic cancer with liver metastases
Description 18 paired samples from 6 patients were collected from primary pancreatic cancer, portal blood, and liver metastases from each patient. Single-cell sequencing was performed after library building using the 10X V3 kit.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Expression Profiling by NGS
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA013605
Release Date 2023-02-20
Submitter Jinen Song (
Organization Sichuan University
Submission Date 2022-12-01
2Files & Download

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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX002487-01 PDAC_scRNA_all_cell_meta_data 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 6.36 MB csv 0 Controlled
OMIX002487-02 PDAC_scRNA_all_cell_count 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 209.99 MB txt 0 Controlled
OMIX002487-03 PDAC_scRNA_immune_cell_count 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 77.51 MB txt 0 Controlled
OMIX002487-04 PDAC_scRNA_immune_cell_meta_data 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 3.36 MB csv 0 Controlled

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