Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals radiochemotherapy-induced innate immune activation and MHC-II upregulation in cervical cancer


Title Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals radiochemotherapy-induced innate immune activation and MHC-II upregulation in cervical cancer
Description Radiochemotherapy (RCT) is a powerful treatment for cervical cancer, which affects not only malignant cells but also the immune and stromal compartments of the tumor. Understanding the remodeling of the local ecosystem induced by RCT would provide valuable insights into improving treatment strategies for cervical cancer. In this study, we applied single-cell RNA sequencing to paired pre- and post-RCT tumor biopsies from patients with cervical cancer and adjacent normal cervical tissues.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Expression Profiling by NGS
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA011382
Release Date 2023-02-15
Submitter Chao Liu (
Organization Shandong Cancer Hospital and Institute
Submission Date 2022-12-02
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