A single-cell transcriptomic atlas of exercise-induced anti-inflammatory and geroprotective effects across the body


Title A single-cell transcriptomic atlas of exercise-induced anti-inflammatory and geroprotective effects across the body
Description Exercise is generally considered to have beneficial effects on the body, including improving tissue homeostasis, promoting regeneration, and improving disease resistance. But this effect has not been studied at multi-tissue, single-cell resolution, nor has it been carefully examined in young and old individuals. In order to systematically study the effects of exercise on multiple tissues and organs of the body, especially the effects on neural, immune, vascular, and stem cells, we performed aerobic exercise in young and old mice, and evaluated in detail at the single-cell level the changes in cell composition and gene expression of 14 different tissues and organs including brain, heart, muscle, liver, and kidney. We also treated exercised and non-exercise mice with the pro-inflammatory bacterial lipopolysaccharide, aiming to reveal the effect of exercise on pro-inflammatory injuries at single cell resolution.
Organism Mus musculus
Data Type Expression Profiling by Array
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA009794
Release Date 2023-01-06
Submitter Guanghui Liu (
Organization Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Submission Date 2022-12-14
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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX002605-01 OC-LPS-Liver-sn 1 Expression Profiling by Array 30.15 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-02 OC-Muscle 1 Expression Profiling by Array 45.16 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-03 YC-Lung 1 Expression Profiling by Array 68.55 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-04 YC-SC 1 Expression Profiling by Array 59.21 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-05 YE-Aorta-sn 1 Expression Profiling by Array 44.86 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-06 YC-Liver 1 Expression Profiling by Array 62.07 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-07 YE-Aorta 1 Expression Profiling by Array 84.8 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-08 YC-LPS-Lung 1 Expression Profiling by Array 87.58 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-09 YC-Heart 1 Expression Profiling by Array 42.44 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-10 YC-Brain 1 Expression Profiling by Array 34.49 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-11 YE-Heart 1 Expression Profiling by Array 48.67 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-12 OC-BM 1 Expression Profiling by Array 73.81 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-13 OC-Cerebellum 1 Expression Profiling by Array 38.62 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-14 YC-Aorta 1 Expression Profiling by Array 62.58 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-15 OE-Muscle 1 Expression Profiling by Array 42.76 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-16 OE-LPS-Aorta-sn 1 Expression Profiling by Array 33.81 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-17 OE-Intestine 1 Expression Profiling by Array 67.27 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-18 OE-Kidney 1 Expression Profiling by Array 104.54 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-19 YC-Blood 1 Expression Profiling by Array 40.15 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-20 YE-Brain 1 Expression Profiling by Array 38.4 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-21 OE-Heart 1 Expression Profiling by Array 54.16 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-22 YC-Muscle 1 Expression Profiling by Array 49.78 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-23 YE-Muscle 1 Expression Profiling by Array 50.21 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-24 YE-BM 1 Expression Profiling by Array 78.2 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-25 YC-Cerebellum 1 Expression Profiling by Array 38.4 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-26 OC-LPS-BM 1 Expression Profiling by Array 82.76 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-27 OC-Liver-sn 1 Expression Profiling by Array 25.05 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-28 OE-Liver-sn 1 Expression Profiling by Array 7.62 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-29 YC-LPS-Blood 1 Expression Profiling by Array 76.31 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-30 OE-Aorta-sn 1 Expression Profiling by Array 25.61 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-31 YC-Intestine 1 Expression Profiling by Array 51.81 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-32 YC-Kidney 1 Expression Profiling by Array 49.15 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-33 OE-Blood 1 Expression Profiling by Array 39.05 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-34 OE-BM 1 Expression Profiling by Array 59.97 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-35 OE-Spleen 1 Expression Profiling by Array 67.41 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-36 YE-LPS-Aorta-sn 1 Expression Profiling by Array 19.53 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-37 OE-Aorta 1 Expression Profiling by Array 93.47 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-38 YE-LPS-Blood 1 Expression Profiling by Array 60.65 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-39 YC-Aorta-sn 1 Expression Profiling by Array 27.75 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-40 YE-Cerebellum 1 Expression Profiling by Array 34.88 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-41 YE-Liver-sn 1 Expression Profiling by Array 21.5 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-42 OC-Kidney 1 Expression Profiling by Array 130.94 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-43 OC-Brain 1 Expression Profiling by Array 40.81 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-44 YC-BM 1 Expression Profiling by Array 67.3 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-45 YE-Spleen 1 Expression Profiling by Array 64.47 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-46 YE-SC 1 Expression Profiling by Array 61.73 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-47 OC-SC 1 Expression Profiling by Array 50.39 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-48 YE-LPS-Lung 1 Expression Profiling by Array 110.19 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-49 YE-Intestine 1 Expression Profiling by Array 72.72 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-50 OE-LPS-BM 1 Expression Profiling by Array 96.33 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-51 OC-Testis 1 Expression Profiling by Array 72.3 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-52 YE-Liver 1 Expression Profiling by Array 98.91 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-53 OE-LPS-Liver-sn 1 Expression Profiling by Array 28.26 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-54 OE-Brain 1 Expression Profiling by Array 23.36 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-55 OC-LPS-Aorta-sn 1 Expression Profiling by Array 19.12 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-56 YE-LPS-BM 1 Expression Profiling by Array 87.24 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-57 OE-LPS-Lung 1 Expression Profiling by Array 110.75 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-58 OC-LPS-Blood 1 Expression Profiling by Array 58.98 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-59 OC-Aorta-sn 1 Expression Profiling by Array 28.99 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-60 OC-Liver 1 Expression Profiling by Array 91.12 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-61 OC-Aorta 1 Expression Profiling by Array 234.95 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-62 YE-Testis 1 Expression Profiling by Array 87.58 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-63 YE-LPS-Liver-sn 1 Expression Profiling by Array 30.15 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-64 OC-Spleen 1 Expression Profiling by Array 57.31 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-65 YE-Lung 1 Expression Profiling by Array 79.07 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-66 YC-LPS-Aorta-sn 1 Expression Profiling by Array 19.95 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-67 OE-Cerebellum 1 Expression Profiling by Array 36.58 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-68 OC-LPS-Lung 1 Expression Profiling by Array 61.12 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-69 OC-Heart 1 Expression Profiling by Array 46.75 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-70 OE-LPS-Blood 1 Expression Profiling by Array 76.48 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-71 OE-Testis 1 Expression Profiling by Array 46.74 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-72 OC-Lung 1 Expression Profiling by Array 83.51 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-73 YC-Spleen 1 Expression Profiling by Array 41.86 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-74 OC-Intestine 1 Expression Profiling by Array 73.59 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-75 YE-Blood 1 Expression Profiling by Array 63.44 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-76 YC-LPS-Liver-sn 1 Expression Profiling by Array 15.26 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-77 OE-Lung 1 Expression Profiling by Array 68.57 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-78 OC-Blood 1 Expression Profiling by Array 49.47 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-79 YC-Liver-sn 1 Expression Profiling by Array 21.99 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-80 YC-LPS-BM 1 Expression Profiling by Array 77.41 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-81 YC-Testis 1 Expression Profiling by Array 53.63 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-82 YE-Kidney 1 Expression Profiling by Array 198.38 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-83 OE-SC 1 Expression Profiling by Array 65.22 MB tar 0
OMIX002605-84 OE-Liver 1 Expression Profiling by Array 102.2 MB tar 0

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