Genomic and Transcriptomic Landscape of Breast Cancer with Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy


Title Genomic and Transcriptomic Landscape of Breast Cancer with Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
Description We performed whole-exome and RNA sequencing (RNAseq) analysis on the clinical samples (including matched pre- and posttreatment tumors) from 50 BC patients with rigorously definite response to NAC. This study revealed an improved understanding of genomic and transcriptomic landscape related to NAC in BC, identified novel biomarkers underlying NAC resistance and provided therapeutics opportunity beyond current neoadjuvant regimens.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Other Type of Genomic Data
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA013875
Release Date 2023-12-30
Submitter Zhigang Yu (
Organization The Second Hospital of Shandong University
Submission Date 2023-01-10
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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX002785-01 NACBC_WES 91 Other Type of Genomic Data 5.8 MB maf 0 Unavailable
OMIX002785-02 NACBC_rawcount 95 Other Type of Genomic Data 13.6 MB txt 0 Unavailable
OMIX002785-03 NACBC_gene_TPM 95 Other Type of Genomic Data 53.6 MB txt 0 Unavailable

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