CD14 facilitates perinatal human cytomegalovirus infection in biliary epithelial cells via CD55


Title CD14 facilitates perinatal human cytomegalovirus infection in biliary epithelial cells via CD55
Description Perinatal HCMV infection is associated with bile duct damage, but the underlying mechanism is still unknown. We discovered that CD14 expression is increased in biliary epithelial cells (BECs) during perinatal HCMV infection and facilitates viral entry through CD55. We also detected PARP-1-mediated cell death in perinatal HCMV-infected BECs. We showed that blocking CD14 or inhibiting PARP-1 reduced bile duct damage and mortality in a mouse model of MCMV infection. Our findings provide a new insight into the therapeutic strategies for perinatal HCMV infection.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Proteomic Data by Mass Spectrometry (MS)
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA011266
Release Date 2023-11-27
Organization Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center
Submission Date 2023-02-14
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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX002966-01 Proteomics mass spectrometry (MS) of immunoprecipitation (IP) protein products of IgG group in F-BEC (imBEC) infected with HCMV (for Anti-sCD14 IP-MS experiment)) 1 Proteomic Data by Mass Spectrometry (MS) 948.39 MB raw 0
OMIX002966-02 Protein expression detected in F-BECs (imBEC) and F-BECs (imBEC) infected with HCMV by TMT labeling quantitative proteomics mass spectrometry 8 Proteomic Data by Mass Spectrometry (MS) 11.98 GB zip 0
OMIX002966-03 Protein expression detected in I-BEC (mBEC) and F-BEC (imBEC) by TMT labeling quantitative proteomics mass spectrometry 6 Proteomic Data by Mass Spectrometry (MS) 8.16 GB zip 0
OMIX002966-04 Proteomics mass spectrometry (MS) of immunoprecipitation (IP) protein products of Anti-sCD14 group in F-BEC (imBEC) infected with HCMV (for Anti-sCD14 IP-MS experiment)) 1 Proteomic Data by Mass Spectrometry (MS) 881.48 MB raw 0
OMIX002966-05 Proteomics mass spectrometry (MS) of immunoprecipitation (IP) protein products of IgG group in F-BEC (imBEC) infected with HCMV (for Anti-CD55 IP-MS experiment)) 1 Proteomic Data by Mass Spectrometry (MS) 931.05 MB raw 0
OMIX002966-06 Proteomics mass spectrometry (MS) of immunoprecipitation (IP) protein products of Anti-CD55 group in F-BEC (imBEC) infected with HCMV (for Anti-CD55 IP-MS experiment)) 1 Proteomic Data by Mass Spectrometry (MS) 898.04 MB raw 0

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