2019. Structural basis of host ligand specificity change of GII porcine noroviruses from their closely related GII human noroviruses


Title 2019. Structural basis of host ligand specificity change of GII porcine noroviruses from their closely related GII human noroviruses
Description Data already submitted to
Organism Norovirus Hu/GII.P7/AM120027/2012/AM/BRA
Data Type Other Type of Image Data
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA015318
Release Date 2023-03-03
Submitter Yutao Chen (
Organization Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Submission Date 2023-03-02
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OMIX003173-01 2019. Structural basis of host ligand specificity change of GII porcine noroviruses from their closely related GII human noroviruses 3 Other Type of Image Data 497.2 KB rar 0

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