Crystal structures of auto-processed caspase-GSDMD complex


Title Crystal structures of auto-processed caspase-GSDMD complex
Description In this dataset, we determined the three-dimensional structure of the self-activated caspase-1/4/11 and GSDMD, revealed a cleavage independently of the cleavage-site tetrapeptide sequence. This dataset contains six structures: 6KMT (P32 of caspase-11 mutant C254A); 6KMU (P22/P10 complex of caspase-11 mutant C254A); 6KMV (caspase-11 C254A P22/P10 in complex with mouse GSDMD-C domain); 6KMZ (caspase-4 P22/P10 C258A in complex with human GSDMD-C domain); 6KN0 (caspase-1 P20/P10 C285A in complex with human GSDMD-C domain); 6KN1 (P20/P12 of caspase-11 mutant C254A).
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Protein 3D Structure Data
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA015611
Release Date 2023-03-20
Submitter Na Feng (
Organization Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Submission Date 2023-03-17
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OMIX003388-01 Crystal structures of auto-processed caspase-GSDMD complex 12 Protein 3D Structure Data 16.7 MB zip 0

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