The structures of homotetrameric GluK2 in complex with NETO2


Title The structures of homotetrameric GluK2 in complex with NETO2
Description In this dataset, we report cryo-electron microscopy structures of homotetrameric GluK2 in complex with NETO2 at inhibited and desensitized states, illustrating variable stoichiometry of GluK2-NETO2 complexes, with one or two NETO2 subunits associating with GluK2.We find that NETO2 accesses only two broad faces of kainate receptors, intermolecularly crosslinking the lower lobe of ATDA/C, the upper lobe of LBDB/D and the lower lobe of LBDA/C, illustrating how NETO2 regulates receptor-gating kinetics.This dataset contains five structures: 7F57 (Kainate-bound GluK2-1xNeto2 complex, at the desensitized state); 7F56(DNQX-bound GluK2-1xNeto2 complex, with asymmetric LBD);7F59(DNQX-bound GluK2-1xNeto2 complex);7F5A (DNQX-bound GluK2-2xNeto2 complex); 7F5B(LBD-TMD focused reconstruction of DNQX-bound GluK2-1xNeto2 complex).
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Protein 3D Structure Data
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA015643
Release Date 2023-03-22
Submitter Yanli Dong (
Organization Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Submission Date 2023-03-21
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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX003412-01 Kainate-bound GluK2-1xNeto2 complex, at the desensitized state 1 Protein 3D Structure Data 34.6 MB zip 0
OMIX003412-02 DNQX-bound GluK2-1xNeto2 complex, with asymmetric LBD 1 Protein 3D Structure Data 34.5 MB zip 0
OMIX003412-03 DNQX-bound GluK2-1xNeto2 complex 1 Protein 3D Structure Data 34.5 MB zip 0
OMIX003412-04 DNQX-bound GluK2-2xNeto2 complex 1 Protein 3D Structure Data 34.2 MB zip 0
OMIX003412-05 LBD-TMD focused reconstruction of DNQX-bound GluK2-1xNeto2 complex 1 Protein 3D Structure Data 34.4 MB zip 0

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