The structures of the human T-type CaV3.3 channel, in the absence and presence of antihypertensive drug mibefradil, antispasmodic drug otilonium bromide and antipsychotic drug pimozide


Title The structures of the human T-type CaV3.3 channel, in the absence and presence of antihypertensive drug mibefradil, antispasmodic drug otilonium bromide and antipsychotic drug pimozide
Description In this dataset, we determine structures of the human T-type CaV3.3 channel, in the absence and presence of antihypertensive drug mibefradil, antispasmodic drug otilonium bromide and antipsychotic drug pimozide. CaV3.3 contains a long bended S6 helix from domain III, with a positive charged region protruding into the cytosol, which is critical for T-type CaV channel activation at low voltage. This dataset contains four structures: 7WLL(CryoEM structure of human low-voltage activated T-type calcium channel Cav3.3 in complex with pimozide(PMZ)); 7WLK (CryoEM structure of human low-voltage activated T-type calcium channel Cav3.3 in complex with Otilonium Bromide(OB)); 7WLI (CryoEM structure of human low-voltage activated T-type calcium channel CaV3.3 (apo)); 7WLJ (CryoEM structure of human low-voltage activated T-type calcium channel Cav3.3 in complex with mibefradil (MIB)).
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Protein 3D Structure Data
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA015643
Release Date 2023-03-22
Submitter Yanli Dong (
Organization Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Submission Date 2023-03-21
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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX003416-01 CryoEM structure of human low-voltage activated T-type calcium channel Cav3.3 in complex with pimozide(PMZ) 1 Protein 3D Structure Data 60.0 MB zip 0
OMIX003416-02 CryoEM structure of human low-voltage activated T-type calcium channel Cav3.3 in complex with Otilonium Bromide(OB) 1 Protein 3D Structure Data 1.7 MB zip 0
OMIX003416-03 CryoEM structure of human low-voltage activated T-type calcium channel CaV3.3 (apo) 1 Protein 3D Structure Data 59.7 MB zip 0
OMIX003416-04 CryoEM structure of human low-voltage activated T-type calcium channel Cav3.3 in complex with mibefradil (MIB) 1 Protein 3D Structure Data 59.8 MB zip 0

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