Single-cell and spatial transcriptomic profiling of human glioblastomas


Title Single-cell and spatial transcriptomic profiling of human glioblastomas
Description This deposition includes scRNA-seq and Spatial Transcriptomics data for 24 GBM patients, which are categorized as follows: a) 7 patients with newly diagnosed GBM (ND group) b) 5 patients with recurrent GBM (Rec group) c) 12 patients who have undergone neoadjuvant therapy (Neo group). Additionally, this deposition contains scRNA-seq data for both wild-type (WT) and SiglecE knockout (KO) mice bearing intracranial CT2A glioma. The provided data includes both the raw matrix and the processed Seurat objects.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Expression Profiling by NGS
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA015974
Release Date 2023-06-28
Submitter Guangshuai Jia (
Organization Guangzhou Medical University
Submission Date 2023-03-31
2Files & Download

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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX003593-01 Processed Seurat object for mouse scRNA-seq data 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 585.07 MB rds 0 Unavailable
OMIX003593-02 Raw matrix for Spatial Transcriptomics 20 Expression Profiling by NGS 554.57 MB zip 0 Unavailable
OMIX003593-03 Processed Seurat object for ST data 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 4.15 GB rds 0 Unavailable
OMIX003593-04 Processed Seurat object for scRNA-seq data 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 5.78 GB rds 0 Unavailable
OMIX003593-06 Raw matrix for mouse scRNA-seq data 2 Expression Profiling by NGS 222.85 MB zip 0 Unavailable
OMIX003593-07 Raw matrix for scRNA-seq data 24 Expression Profiling by NGS 1.1 GB zip 0 Unavailable
OMIX003593-08 bulkRNAseq_count_table 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 4.0 MB zip 0 Unavailable

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