B cell imaging results with the spatial resolution better than 15nm


Title B cell imaging results with the spatial resolution better than 15nm
Description X-ray scanning coherent diffraction data collection: In this project, the SSRF BL08U1A endstation was used to collect diffraction data. The optimized photon energy of this station is between 250eV and 2000 eV, and this energy region covers the absorption edges of almost all the important elements in biological, environmental (soil, minerals), polymer and other fields. The scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) of this station has high spatial resolution (better than 30nm). It also has the ability to collect ptychography data. Experimental parameters: Photon energy of 715ev, spot of 3um, step size of 200nm and exposure of 150ms were used. Finally, 27*19=513 diffraction patterns were collected. Other scanning transmission X-ray data acquisition: The scanning transmission X-ray data of this project was also collected at this station, using photon energy of 715ev, step size of 30nm and exposure of 1ms. Finally, 60 transmission data were collected in total.
Organism Cancer
Data Type Other Type of Image Data
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA015908
Release Date 2023-04-11
Submitter CHENXI WEI (
Organization ShanghaiTech University
Submission Date 2023-04-07
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