The H&E-stained photos for pigeon crop spatial transcriptome


Title The H&E-stained photos for pigeon crop spatial transcriptome
Description The spatial-transcriptomic library construction using the representative crop tissues, including at the Ceased stage, incubation 13th day, and nurturing 1st day female pigeons, according to the protocol provided by 10X Genomics.
Organism Columba livia
Data Type Other Type of Image Data
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA010163
Release Date 2023-06-26
Submitter Xun Wang (
Organization sichuan agricultrural university
Submission Date 2023-06-25
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OMIX004411-01 The H&E-stained photos for pigeon crop spatial transcriptome 4 Other Type of Image Data 99.0 MB zip 0

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