Multiple ctDNA-based biomarkers of selective RET inhibition in non-small cell lung cancer patients


Title Multiple ctDNA-based biomarkers of selective RET inhibition in non-small cell lung cancer patients
Description We analyzed a prospective cohort of Chinese RET fusion-positive, pralsetinib-treated advanced NSCLC patients. We examined the association between tumor response/progression and genomic aberration, baseline ctDNA level, ctDNA clearance as defined by multiple metrics, and ctDNA dynamic patterns. Paired samples at baseline and after progression were also analyzed to identify potential resistance mechanisms.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Other Type of Genomic Data
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA017936
Release Date 2024-02-27
Submitter Chang Lu (
Organization Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital
Submission Date 2023-06-27
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OMIX004427-01 selective RET inhibition-mutation data 1 Other Type of Genomic Data 36.0 KB xlsx 0 Controlled

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