Unraveling the Significance of MET Focal Amplification in Lung Cancer : Integrative NGS, FISH, and IHC Investigation


Title Unraveling the Significance of MET Focal Amplification in Lung Cancer : Integrative NGS, FISH, and IHC Investigation
Description A total of 231 NSCLC cases were included for MET amplification/ overexpression determination using three methods: FISH, NGS, and IHC. A thorough comparison was performed between these methodologies. The clinical relevance of these approaches in predicting the efficacy of MET inhibitors was evaluated. Additionally, NGS data from 22,010 lung cancer cases in the LAVA database was utilized to examine the biological characteristics of different METamp subtypes.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Other Type of Genomic Data
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA019698
Release Date 2024-03-03
Submitter Yuchen Han (
Organization Shanghai Chest Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Submission Date 2023-09-08
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