Effect of different fertilization strategies on the yield, quality of Euryales Semen and soil microbial community


Title Effect of different fertilization strategies on the yield, quality of Euryales Semen and soil microbial community
Description Understanding the impact of different fertilization schemes on Euryales Semen planting and exploring the supporting mechanism are crucial for achieving high yield and sustainable development of the Euryales Semen planting industry. In this study, a field plot experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of four different fertilization patterns (The unfertilized group, while the other three groups have organic fertilizer to chemical fertilizer ratios of 3:7, 5:5, and 7:3, respectively.) on Euryales Semen yield and quality, using morphological characteristics and metabolomic changes. Furthermore, the study revealed the internal mechanisms of how different fertilization modes affect the yield and quality of Euryales Semen by analyzing soil physicochemical properties, soil enzyme activity, and soil microbial structure.
Organism Euryale ferox
Data Type Metabolome Data by Mass Spectrometry (MS)
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA021013
Release Date 2023-11-07
Submitter Dishuai Li (
Organization Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine
Submission Date 2023-11-06
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