Identification of Novel Non-coding Genetic Elements of Lung Cancer Using Whole Genome Sequencing in Chinese


Title Identification of Novel Non-coding Genetic Elements of Lung Cancer Using Whole Genome Sequencing in Chinese
Description We performed an extensive WGS study in a total of 13,722 Chinese individuals with a particular emphasis on non-coding regulation. In the discovery stage, we sequenced the whole genome for 11,058 Chinese subjects and performed a full minor allele frequency (MAF) spectrum scan on lung cancer-associated variants and genes. We sequenced additional 3,055 Chinese subjects to verify the findings.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Other Type of Genomic Data
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA021646
Release Date 2024-06-23
Submitter xifeng Wu (
Organization Zhejiang University School
Submission Date 2023-12-05
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