Malaria resistance-related biological adaptation and complex evolutionary footprints inferred from one integrative Tai-Kadai-related genomic resource


Title Malaria resistance-related biological adaptation and complex evolutionary footprints inferred from one integrative Tai-Kadai-related genomic resource
Description Pathogen-host adaptative interaction and complex population demographical processes, including admixture, drift, and Darwen selection, have considerably shaped the Neolithic-to-Modern Western Eurasian population structure and genetic susceptibility to modern human diseases. However, the genetic footprints of evolutionary events in East Asia remain unknown due to the underrepresentation of genomic diversity and the design of large-scale population studies. We reported one aggregated database of genome-wide-SNP variations from 796 Tai-Kadai (TK) genomes, including Bouyei first reported here, to explore the genetic history, population structure, and biological adaptative features of TK people from Southern China and Southeast Asia. We found geography-related population substructure among TK people using the state-of-the-art population genetic structure reconstruction techniques based on the allele frequency spectrum and haplotype-resolved phased fragments.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Biomarker Data
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA022307
Release Date 2024-04-23
Submitter Guanglin He (
Organization Institute of Rare Diseases, West China Hospital of Sichuan University
Submission Date 2023-12-22
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