PREX2 contributes to radiation resistance by inhibiting radiotherapy-induced tumour immunogenicity via cGAS/STING/IFNs pathway in colorectal cancer


Title PREX2 contributes to radiation resistance by inhibiting radiotherapy-induced tumour immunogenicity via cGAS/STING/IFNs pathway in colorectal cancer
Description To unravel the mechanism through which PREX2 promotes radioresistance in CRC, we conducted RNA-seq on IR-SW480 cells with or without PREX2 knockdown.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Other Type of Genomic Data
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA022934
Release Date 2024-01-22
Submitter li liang (
Organization Southern Medical University
Submission Date 2024-01-21
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OMIX005713-01 IRSW480_scrable_vs_IRSW480_shPREX2 2 Other Type of Genomic Data 2.3 MB rar 0 Unavailable

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