Single-Cell Analysis Reveals Macrophage-Driven T Cell Dysfunction in Severe COVID-19 Patients


Title Single-Cell Analysis Reveals Macrophage-Driven T Cell Dysfunction in Severe COVID-19 Patients
Description In this study, we explored how macrophage-driven T cell dysfunction occurs in COVID-19 patients using single-cell analysis. We analyzed leukocytes from pleural effusion, sputum, and peripheral blood biopsies across varying disease severities. Our findings revealed a significant increase in T cell hyperactivation and exhaustion, particularly noticeable in pleural effusion, indicating immune dysregulation after SARS-CoV-2 infection. We identified a specific subset of CD14+ monocytes and macrophages showing M2 polarization, with heightened expression of IL10, CCL18, APOE, CSF1 (M-CSF), and CCL2 signaling pathways. Additionally, SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells were detected earlier in pleural fluid than in peripheral blood. Overall, our results suggest that severe SARS-CoV-2 infection induces immune dysregulation through promoting M2 macrophage polarization and subsequent T cell exhaustion.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Expression Profiling by NGS
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA024048
Release Date 2024-07-01
Submitter Jiekai Chen (
Organization Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Submission Date 2024-03-05
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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX005929-01 Human PBMC single-cell transcriptome counts data 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 952.5 KB zip 0
OMIX005929-02 Human PFMC single-cell transcriptome counts data 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 1.7 MB zip 0
OMIX005929-03 Human sputum single-cell transcriptome counts data (sample 1) 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 780.0 KB zip 0
OMIX005929-04 Human sputum single-cell transcriptome counts data (sample 2) 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 1.2 MB zip 0
OMIX005929-05 Human sputum single-cell transcriptome counts data (sample 3) 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 759.9 KB zip 0
OMIX005929-06 Human sputum single-cell transcriptome counts data (sample 4) 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 820.7 KB zip 0
OMIX005929-07 Human sputum single-cell transcriptome counts data (sample 5) 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 757.6 KB zip 0
OMIX005929-08 Human sputum single-cell transcriptome counts data (sample 6) 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 822.0 KB zip 0
OMIX005929-09 Human sputum single-cell transcriptome counts data (sample 7) 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 969.1 KB zip 0
OMIX005929-10 Human sputum single-cell transcriptome counts data (sample 8) 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 1002.2 KB zip 0
OMIX005929-11 Human sputum single-cell transcriptome counts data (sample 9) 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 1.1 MB zip 0
OMIX005929-12 Human sputum single-cell transcriptome counts data (sample 10) 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 787.6 KB zip 0
OMIX005929-13 Human sputum single-cell transcriptome counts data (sample 11) 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 607.0 KB zip 0
OMIX005929-14 Human sputum single-cell transcriptome counts data (sample 12) 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 778.7 KB zip 0
OMIX005929-15 Human sputum single-cell transcriptome counts data (sample 13) 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 649.1 KB zip 0
OMIX005929-16 Human sputum single-cell transcriptome counts data (sample 14) 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 606.8 KB zip 0
OMIX005929-17 Human sputum single-cell transcriptome counts data (sample 15) 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 743.1 KB zip 0
OMIX005929-18 Human sputum single-cell transcriptome counts data (sample 16) 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 586.0 KB zip 0
OMIX005929-19 Human sputum single-cell transcriptome counts data (sample 17) 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 617.1 KB zip 0

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