This is a single arm, prospective, open label, multicenter study in participants who are diagnosed with Gaucher disease type III


Title This is a single arm, prospective, open label, multicenter study in participants who are diagnosed with Gaucher disease type III
Description Approximately 12 participants will be assigned to study intervention in the study in order to yieldat least 10 evaluable patients at the end of 52 weeks. Patient drop-out rate will be monitored for the purpose of adjusting the sample size.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Other Type of Genomic Data
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA024236
Release Date 2024-04-01
Submitter zhengqing qiu (
Organization Peking Union Medical College Hospital- Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences-Peking Union Medical College
Submission Date 2024-03-12
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OMIX005974-01 Genetic Data for 3939 Project 1 Other Type of Genomic Data 10.1 KB rar 0 Unavailable

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