Signatures of EMT, immunosuppression, and inflammation in primary and recurrent human cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma at single-cell resolution


Title Signatures of EMT, immunosuppression, and inflammation in primary and recurrent human cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma at single-cell resolution
Description The recurrence of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) after surgery is associated with the reprogramming of the tumor microenvironment (TME), and remains a key factor affecting its outcomes. We employed single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) to examine the dynamic changes in epithelial cells, T cells, myeloid cells, and fibroblasts cells between primary and recurrent cSCC.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Expression Profiling by NGS
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA025225
Release Date 2024-04-15
Submitter Mingzhu Yin (
Organization Chongqing University Three Gorges Hospital
Submission Date 2024-04-13
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