Restoration of functional endometrium in an intrauterine adhesion rat model with endometrial stromal cells transplantation


Title Restoration of functional endometrium in an intrauterine adhesion rat model with endometrial stromal cells transplantation
Description Intrauterine adhesion (IUA) as a prevalent gynecological disease is developed from infection or trauma. However, therapeutic strategies to repair damaged endometrium are relatively limited. Emerging studies have shed light on the crucial role of endometrial stromal cells (EnSCs) in the process of uterine endometrial regeneration. EnSCs isolated from the uterine endometrium have similar characteristics to mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs). However,it is still unknown whether EnSCs could be used as donor cells to treat IUA. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential efficacy of EnSCs in treating IUA and understand the mechanism of EnSCs to repair the IUA endometrial uterus. The results show that EnSCs in IUA rat'S uterus successfully repaired the injured endometrium and revealed the mechanisms of action, namely anti-inflammatory,anti-fibrotic and regenerative factor secretion by bulk-RNA sequencing.
Organism Rattus
Data Type Expression Profiling by NGS
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA023129
Release Date 2024-06-03
Submitter tianqing Li (
Organization Institute of Primate Translational Medicine, Kunming University of Science and Technology
Submission Date 2024-06-02
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