Identification of carbamylation modification sites for GDH


Title Identification of carbamylation modification sites for GDH
Description The GDH-labeled plasmid was overexpressed in 293T cells, 5mM CP was added into the medium for 6h, and the cells were collected for IP enrichment for QE mass spectrometry identification. A total of 5M/2 samples of mass spectrometry data were generated and collected by QE mass spectrometry.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Other Type of Metabolome Data
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA027545
Release Date 2024-07-01
Submitter Qiao Ya Nan (
Organization Metabolic research institute
Submission Date 2024-06-30
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OMIX006778-01 Identification of carbamylation modification sites for GDH 1 Other Type of Metabolome Data 734.7 KB xlsx 0

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