Different treatments for common medulloblastoma and drug-resistant medulloblastoma


Title Different treatments for common medulloblastoma and drug-resistant medulloblastoma
Description We used mass spectrometry to detect medulloblastoma (ONS7652) SMO-W535L mutant cells, medulloblastoma (ONS7653) SMO-D473H mutant cells, and medulloblastoma (ONS7654) SMO wild-type cell metabolomics. We obtained metabolic signaling pathways activated by drug-resistant medulloblastoma cells through metabolomics analysis, and found a potential drug target for the treatment of drug-resistant medulloblastoma.
Organism Mus
Data Type -
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA005262
Release Date 2022-06-30
Submitter Xiuwu Bian (
Organization military
Submission Date 2021-09-23
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