Capillary morphogenesis protein 2 is a novel prognostic biomarker and plays oncogenic roles in glioma


Title Capillary morphogenesis protein 2 is a novel prognostic biomarker and plays oncogenic roles in glioma
Description We assessed the clinicopathological relevance of CMG2 in a cohort of 48 glioma patients as well as through public glioma databases, and explored the function of CMG2 using glioblastoma (GBM) models in vitro and in vivo. CMG2 overexpression was associated with increased tumor grade and poor patient survival. CMG2 promoted G2/M-phase transition during the cell cycle of GBM cells in vitro and contributed to tumor growth in vivo. We also observed that CMG2 is implicated in the activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs), epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), migration, and invasion in GBM cells. Transcriptomic analysis of GBM cells with or without CMG2 overexpression indicated that a panel of oncogenic signaling pathways was altered with CMG2 upregulation, implying that CMG2 might orchestrate these signaling pathways to regulate the growth of GBM cells.
Organism Homo
Data Type -
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA005262
Release Date 2021-12-14
Submitter Xiuwu Bian (
Organization military
Submission Date 2021-12-13
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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX806-03-01 cmg2-dsred 1 Questionnaire Data 412 bytes xls 0 Controlled
OMIX806-03-02 cmg2-oe-1 1 Questionnaire Data 411 bytes xls 0 Controlled
OMIX806-03-03 cmg2-oe-2 1 Questionnaire Data 412 bytes xls 0 Controlled
OMIX806-03-04 cmg2-oe-3 1 Questionnaire Data 412 bytes xls 0 Controlled
OMIX806-03-05 dsred 1 Questionnaire Data 405 bytes xls 0 Controlled
OMIX806-03-06 egfp-1 1 Questionnaire Data 409 bytes xls 0 Controlled
OMIX806-03-07 egfp-2 1 Questionnaire Data 408 bytes xls 0 Controlled
OMIX806-03-08 egfp-3 1 Questionnaire Data 408 bytes xls 0 Controlled

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