Analysis of chromosome ploidy in infants with embryonic chromosomal mosaicism by single-cell multi-omics sequencing.


Title Analysis of chromosome ploidy in infants with embryonic chromosomal mosaicism by single-cell multi-omics sequencing.
Description While knowing the consequence of embryonic chromosomal mosaicism is important for both IVF pregnancy and natural conception, postnatal evaluation of transferred mosaic embryos is not sufficient, which is mainly focused on the rates of pregnancy and birth, whereas data on high resolution postnatal karyotyping and chromosome testing are still lacking. Here we performed single-cell multi-omics sequencing for peripheral white blood cells obtained from 7 infants with embryonic chromosomal mosaicism to explore their chromosome ploidy status at single-cell resolution.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type -
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA007982
Release Date 2023-12-31
Submitter Fuchou Tang (
Organization Peking University
Submission Date 2022-01-21
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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX910-99-01 Statistics of single-cell CNV 2208 Genotype 157.84 KB csv 0 Controlled
OMIX910-99-02 Estimated copy number of each cell at each genomic bin 2208 Genotype 168.54 KB csv 0 Controlled
OMIX910-20-03 Summary of sequenced cells 2208 Transcriptomic 173.36 KB csv 0 Controlled
OMIX910-99-04 Genomic bins for single cell CNV estimation 2808 Genotype 91.78 KB csv 0 Controlled
OMIX910-99-05 Normalized read count of each cell at each genomic bin 2208 Genotype 45.79 MB csv 0 Controlled
OMIX910-99-06 Results of CNV-Seq of TE PGC-A 10 Genotype 357 B csv 0 Controlled
OMIX910-20-07 UMI count for single cell RNA-Seq 2208 Transcriptomic 2.82 MB csv 0 Controlled

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