The P10K Database
A Data Portal for the Protist 10,000 Genomes Project

The P10K Database
A Data Portal for the Protist 10,000 Genomes Project


P10K-MW-000025 | Colpidium striatum strain P10K-1

Taxonomy: Alveolata;P_Ciliophora;C_Oligohymenophorea;O_Hymenostomatida;F_Turaniellidae;G_Colpidium;S_Colpidium striatum strain P10K-1
Description: {{sample.description}}

Data Download

Genome Assembly Genome Annotation CDS Sequences Protein Sequences Comparative Genomics Gene Annotation

Sample Information


Biotic Relationship: {{sample.bioticRelationship}}
Extreme Environment: {{sample.extremeEnvironments}}
Cell Arrangement: {{sample.cellArrangement}}
Cell Shape: {{sample.cellShape}}
Colony Color: {{sample.colonyColor}}
Energy Source: {{sample.energySource}}
Habitat: {{sample.habit}}
Oxygen: {{sample.oxygen}}
Collection Method: {{sample.collectionMethod}}
Collection Date: {{sample.collectionDate}}
Storage Method: {{sample.storageMethod}}

Geo Information

Latitude: {{sample.latitude == -1 ? "NA" : sample.latitude.toFixed(2)}}
Longitude: {{sample.longitude == -1 ? "NA" : sample.longitude.toFixed(2)}}
Elevation: {{sample.elevation == -1 ? "NA" : sample.elevation.toFixed(2)}}
Location: {{sample.geoLocation == -1 ? "NA" : sample.geoLocation}}

Contact Information

Sample Provider: {{sample.sampleProvider}}
Contact Email: {{sample.contactEmail}}
Originating Lab: {{sample.originatingLab}}


Assembly Method: {{assembly.assemblyMethod}}
Genome Size (MB): {{assembly.totalSize == -1 ? 'NA': assembly.totalSize.toFixed(2)}}
Scaffold/Transcript Number: {{assembly.scaffoldNumber == -1 ? 'NA': assembly.scaffoldNumber}}
N50: {{(assembly.scaffoldn50 == -1 || assembly.scaffoldn50 == null) ? 'NA': assembly.scaffoldn50}}
Gene Number: {{annotation.geneNumber === -1 ? 'NA':annotation.geneNumber}}
Completeness (%): {{(assembly.completeness== -1 || assembly.completeness == null) ? 'NA' : assembly.completeness.toFixed(2)}}
CDS Completeness (%) : {{(annotation.cdsCompleteness== -1 || annotation.cdsCompleteness == null)?'NA':annotation.cdsCompleteness.toFixed(2)}}
Genome Integrity :


Sequencing ID Raw Data Open Insert Size (bp) Read Length (bp) Reads GC(%) Total Base (Gb) Sequencing Platform Sequencing Strategy Publication
{{s.sequencingId}} {{}} {{s.insertSize == -1 ? 'NA':s.insertSize}} {{s.readLength == -1 ? 'NA':s.readLength}} {{s.readsGc == -1 ? 'NA':s.readsGc}} {{s.totalBase == -1 || s.totalBase == null ? 'NA':s.totalBase.toFixed(2)}} {{s.sequencingPlatform}} {{s.sequencingStrategy}} {{s.publication}} NA

National Data/Resource Center

National Aquatic Biological Resource Center National Genomics Data Center