KaKs_Calculator is a program that calculates nonsynonymous (Ka) and synonymous (Ks) substitution rates through
model selection and model averaging. In addition, several currently acknowledged methods for estimating Ka and
Ks are also incorporated into it.
The KaKs_Calculator package, including source codes, compiled executables and documentation, is freely available
for academic use only at here.
For high efficiency and compatibility with more platforms, the kernel codes of KaKs_Calculator are written in
standard C++. For Windows version we use Visual C++ 6.0 for GUI (Graphics User Interface). And for MAC version
we use Objective C for GUI.
KaKs_Calculator has been tested on AIX, IRIX and Solaris.
KaKs_Calculator has been tested on MAC OS X version 10.6.6.
- Open the disk image file of KaKs_Calculator_XXX.dmg.
- Follow the installation instructions and drag the KaKs_Calculator folder into Applications folder on MAC.
- Please find KaKs_Calculator folder in Applications.
Methods for Calculating Ka and Ks
Calculating Ka and Ks normally involves three steps. Let us assume that the length of DNA sequence to be compared is n and the number of substitutions between compared sequences is m. To calculate Ka and Ks, we need to
count the numbers of synonymous (S) and nonsynonymous (N) sites (S + N = n) and the numbers of synonymous (Sd)
and nonsynonymous (Nd) substitutions (Sd + Nd = m). Then it is after correcting multiple substitutions that
(Nd/N) and (Sd/S) could represent Ka and Ks, respectively, since the observed number of substitutions
underestimates the real number of substitutions as sequences diverge over time. Therefore, we can conclude from
mentioned above that these methods normally involve three steps to estimate Ka and Ks: counting S and N,
counting Sd and Nd, and correction for multiple substitutions.
Methods for calculating Ka and Ks adopt different substitution models with subtle yet significant differences.
They can be classified as approximate methods and maximum-likelihood methods. Different from approximate
methods, maximum-likelihood methods adopt the probability theory to finish all three steps mentioned above in
one go.
Approximate Methods
There are several approximate methods incorporated into KaKs_Calculator, and we list their abbreviations in the
program and their corresponding reference(s) as follows.
- NG: Nei, M. and Gojobori, T. (1986)
- LWL: Li, W.H., et al. (1985)
- LPB: Li, W.H. (1993) and Pamilo, P. and Bianchi, N.O. (1993)
- MLWL (Modified LWL), MLPB (Modified LPB): Tzeng, Y.H., et al. (2004)
- YN: Yang, Z. and Nielsen, R. (2000)
- MYN (Modified YN): Zhang, Z., et al. (2006)
Maximum-Likelihood Methods
The method of GY takes account of sequence evolutionary features, such as transition/transversion rate ratio and
nucleotide frequencies (reflected in the HKY Model) and incorporates these features into a codon-based model. We
extend this method to a set of candidate models in a maximum likelihood framework and use the AICc for model
selection and model averaging.
- GY: Goldman, N. and Yang, Z. (1994)
- MS (Model Selection), MA (Model Averaging): based on a set of candidate models defined by Posada, D. (2003)
as follows.
Model |
Substitution Rates |
Nucleotide Frequency |
JC F81 |
rTC=rAG=rTA=rCG=rTG=rCA |
Equal Unequal |
rTC=rAG ≠
rTA=rCG=rTG=rCA |
Equal Unequal |
rTC ≠ rAG ≠ rTA=rCG=rTG=rCA
Equal Unequal |
rTC=rAG ≠
rTA=rCG ≠ rTG=rCA |
Equal Unequal |
rTC ≠ rAG ≠ rTA=rCG
≠ rTG=rCA |
Equal Unequal |
rTC=rAG ≠ rTA ≠ rCG
≠ rTG ≠ rCA |
Equal Unequal |
rTC≠rAG≠rTA≠rCG≠rTG≠rCA |
Equal Unequal |
rij: substitution rate between i and j, where i ≠ j and i, j∈{A, C, G, T}
Format of Sequence
KaKs_Calculator accepts quasi-AXT sequence format as follows. Before calculation, gaps and stop codons between
compared sequences will be removed. You can also see “example.axt” in the folder of
For example:
Each pair of sequences in an AXT file contains three lines: one sequence name line and two sequence lines. Any
pairwise sequence is separated from one another by one blank line.
Parameters setting
KaKs_Calculator are more suitable for a large number of dataset to calculate Ka and Ks. It reads a pair of
sequences and computes corresponding estimates one by one, so that it requires memory proportional to the
maximum length among pairwise sequences. In addition, KaKs_Calculator allows user to choose more than one method
to calculate Ka and Ks at one running time. The following is the parameters’ setting in Linux version.
- -i AXT sequence file name for calculating Ka and Ks
- -o File name for outputting results
- -c Genetic code (Default = 1-Standard Code). For more information about the Genetic Codes, please see the
- -m Methods for calculating Ka and Ks (Default = MA): NG, LWL, LPB, MLWL, MLPB, YN, MYN, GY, MS, MA, ALL
(including all above methods)
- -d File name for details about each candidate model only when using the method of MS or MA
- -h Show help information
For example
- use MA method and standard code
KaKs_Calculator -i test.axt -o test.axt.kaks
- use MA method and vertebrate mitochondrial code
KaKs_Calculator -i test.axt -o test.axt.kaks -c
- use MA method and standard code and output details of model selection on each candidate model
KaKs_Calculator -i test.axt -o test.axt.kaks -d test.axt.details
- use LWL, YN and MYN and standard Code
KaKs_Calculator -i test.axt -o test.axt.kaks -m LWL -m YN -m
The Windows version provides users with a friendly interface to select input sequences’ file, genetic code and
method(s) for estimating Ka and Ks. During calculating you can minimize the application window and send it to
tray. After finishing calculation, KaKs_Calculator allows users to export results to file or clipboard at
Output Format
KaKs_Calculator provides comprehensive information estimated from compared sequences, including numbers of
synonymous and nonsynonymous sites, numbers of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions, GC contents,
maximum-likelihood score, and AICC, in addition to synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution rates and their
ratio. Meanwhile, Fisher’s exact test for small sample is applied to justify the validity of Ka and Ks
calculated by these methods.
- Sequence: Name of Pairwise sequence
- Method: Name of method for calculation of Ka and Ks
- Ka: Nonsynonymous substitution rate
- Ks: Synonymous substitution rate
- Ka/Ks: Selective strength
- P-Value(Fisher): The value computed by Fisher exact test
- Length: Sequence length (after removing gaps and stop codon(s))
- S-Sites: Synonymous sites
- N-Sites: Nonsynonymous sites
- Fold-Sites(0:2:4): 0,2,4-fold degenerate sites
- Substitutions: Substitutions between sequences
- S-Substitutions: Synonymous substitutions
- N-Substitutions: Nonsynonymous substitutions
- Fold-S-Substitutions(0:2:4): Synonymous substitutions at 0,2,4-fold
- Fold-N-Substitutions(0:2:4): Nonsynonymous substitutions at 0,2,4-fold
- Divergence-Time: Divergence time
- Substitution-Rate-Ratio(rTC:rAG:rTA:rCG:rTG:rCA/rCA): Ratios of six substitution rates to the substitution
rate between C and A
- GC(1:2:3): GC content of entire sequences and of three codon positions
- ML-Score: Maximum likelihood score
- AICc: Value of AICc
- Akaike-Weight: Value of Akaike weight for model selection
- Model: Selected model for the method of MS
We thank Professor Wen-Hsiung Li for providing us with his computer program and Professor Ziheng Yang for his
invaluable source codes in PAML. We are grateful to Heng Li for his advice and Yafeng Hu for his help in
software designing. We also thank all anonymous users for reporting bugs and sending suggestions.
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