样本编号 SAMC1650824
外部数据库编号 GSA-Human: HRS161533
样品名称 P-SC-0515-3
样本标题 P-SC-0515-3
样品类型 Human sample
物种名称 Homo sapiens
描述信息 single cell from distal colon tissue of patient CRC5
样本属性 *该样本包含更多受控访问信息,请通过GSA-Human系统申请项目HRA000762数据获取。
发布日期 2021-05-24
项目编号 PRJCA004804
提交者 Dan  Xie  (danxie@scu.edu.cn)
提交单位 West China Hospital Sichuan University
提交日期 2023-06-18


资源名称 描述
GSA-Human (1) -
HRA000762  (Controlled Access) In this study, we characterized the evolutionary pattern of metastatic CRC (mCRC) by analysing bulk and single-cell exome sequencing data of primary and metastatic tumors from 7 CRC patients with liver metastases. Here, 7 CRC patients had bulk WES, and 4 for whom both bulk and single cell sequencing were pursued. Despite low genomic divergence between paired primary and metastatic cancers in the bulk data, single-cell whole-exome sequencing (scWES) data revealed rare mutations and defined two separate cell populations, indicative of the independent evolutionary trajectory between primary and metastatic tumor cells. We further identified 24 metastatic cell-specific mutated genes and validated their functions in cell migration capacity. In summary, scWES revealed rare mutations that failed to be detected by bulk WES. These rare mutations better define the distinct genomic profiles of primary and metastatic tumor cell clones.