Scientific Name Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans
Common Name Fusarium oxysporum f. conglutinans
Taxonomy ID 100902
Lineage cellular organisms; Eukaryota; Opisthokonta; Fungi; Dikarya; Ascomycota; saccharomyceta; Pezizomycotina; leotiomyceta; sordariomyceta; Sordariomycetes; Hypocreomycetidae; Hypocreales; Nectriaceae; Fusarium; Fusarium oxysporum species complex; Fusarium oxysporum
External Links
Representative Assembly A gap-free genome assembly of Fusarium oxysporum strain Fo5176, a pathogen for plant and mammal hosts GWHDOBK00000000 DNA

Assemblies (10)

Assembly name Accession No. RefSeq Accession No. Genome reperesentation Genome size Assembly level Quality control Release date Download Download RefSeq
canu GWHBKCM00000000 - Full Genome 69,368,720 bp Complete genome false 2022-08-28 FTP / / / ////
Fo5176 GWHBQBV00000000 - Full Genome 70,125,928 bp Complete genome false 2024-01-01 FTP / / / ////
A gap-free genome assembly of Fusarium oxysporum strain Fo5176, a pathogen for plant and mammal hosts GWHDOBK00000000 - Full Genome 70,122,856 bp Complete genome true 2023-06-21 FTP / / / ////
ASM151903v1 GCA_001519035.1 - Full Genome 52,542,764 bp Scaffold true 2023-10-30 FTP / / / ////
ASM271138v1 GCA_002711385.1 - Full Genome 55,855,453 bp Scaffold true 2023-10-30 FTP / / / ////
ASM271140v2 GCA_002711405.2 - Full Genome 61,662,789 bp Scaffold true 2023-11-07 FTP / / / ////
SMRT_HiC_Fo5176 GCA_014154955.1 - Full Genome 67,983,296 bp Chromosome true 2023-11-16 FTP FTP FTP FTP ////
ASM1483963v1 GCA_014839635.1 - Full Genome 71,184,279 bp Scaffold true 2023-10-18 FTP / / / ////
ASM1889409v1 GCA_018894095.1 - Full Genome 72,150,645 bp Scaffold true 2024-03-05 FTP FTP FTP FTP ////
ASM2526762v1 GCA_025267625.1 - Full Genome 56,122,683 bp Contig true 2023-11-10 FTP / / / ////