Title: LeafW

Potential Application: Classification of leaf diseases
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Main Information

The dataset comprises images of wheat leaf tissue. It involves two kinds of diseases, namely septoria and stripe rust, along with images of healthy leaves.

Biological Information
  • Species: Wheat
  • Latin name: Triticum aestivum
  • Imaging tissue: Leaf
  • Function Information
  • Computer vision tasks: Image classification
  • Potential application: Classification of leaf diseases
  • Labeled instances: 407
  • Label type: Image-level annotations
  • Related traits: -
  • Imaging
  • Total number of images: 407
  • Image format: JPEG
  • Average resolution: 4430×4136
  • Dataset size: 1.5G
  • Sampling geographic location: Ethiopia
  • Acquisition equipment: Canon EOS 6D Mark III
  • Sampling platform: -
  • Sensors: RGB (visible light imaging)
  • Current Slide (image properties)