
Alpha helix transmembrane proteins (αTMPs) represent roughly 30% of all open reading frames (ORFs) in a typical genome and are involved in many critical biological processes. Due to the special physicochemical properties, it is hard to crystallize and obtain high resolution structures experimentally, thus, sequence-based topology prediction is highly desirable for the study of transmembrane proteins (TMPs), both in structure prediction and function prediction. Various model-based topology prediction methods have been developed, but the accuracy of those individual predictors remain poor due to the limitation of the methods or the features they used. Thus, the consensus topology prediction method becomes practical for high accuracy applications by combining the advances of the individual predictors. Here, based on the observation that inter-helical interactions are commonly found within the transmembrane helixes (TMHs) and strongly indicate the existence of them, we present a novel consensus topology prediction method for αTMPs, CNTOP, which incorporates four top leading individual topology predictors, and further improves the prediction accuracy by using the predicted inter-helical interactions. The method achieved 87% prediction accuracy based on a benchmark dataset and 78% accuracy based on a non-redundant dataset which is composed of polytopic αTMPs. Our method derives the highest topology accuracy than any other individual predictors and consensus predictors, at the same time, the TMHs are more accurately predicted in their length and locations, where both the false positives (FPs) and the false negatives (FNs) decreased dramatically. The CNTOP is available at:


  1. Improving transmembrane protein consensus topology prediction using inter-helical interaction.
    Cite this
    Wang H, Zhang C, Shi X, Zhang L, Zhou Y, 2012-11-01 - Biochimica et biophysica acta


  1. Han Wang

    Jilin University, Changchun, China

  2. Chao Zhang

  3. Xiaohu Shi

  4. Li Zhang

  5. You Zhou

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Submitted ByYou Zhou