CeNet Omnibus An R/Shiny application to the construction and analysis of competing endogenous RNA network


How to Start

To install CeNetOmnibus package, please input the following commands in the console


CeNetOmnibus depends on multiple packages, including biomaRt, circlize, colourpicker, ComplexHeatmap, DT, formattable, ggplot2, ggplotify, ggthemr, gprofiler2, igraph, infotheo, jsonlite, linkcomm, MCL, parallel, PerformanceAnalytics, plyr, ProNet, R.oo, rhandsontable, scales, shiny, shinydashboard, shinyWidgets, survival, survminer, svglite, tibble, visNetwork.

To make sure all the dependency packages are installed, run following codes to install dependency packages.


Data Preparation

CeNet Omnibus demands users to upload four files for the constrction of ceRNA network, including

  • The expression profiles of candidate ceRNAs and microRNAs
  • The interaction between microRNA and candidate ceRNAs
  • Essential information of candidate ceRNAs, eg. symbols, biotypes, and etc.

Get Start

The following commands should be used to start CeNet Omnibus.


Please visit our GitHub https://github.com/GaoLabXDU/CeNetOmnibus for more details.