Basic information   
GenBank ID AY687391
OrganismSoybean (Glycine max)
Taxonomic identifier[NCBI]
Function categoryNutrient recycling:Nutrient recycling
Effect for Senescencepromote
Gene DescriptionThe conceptual protein product of GmSARK contains typical domains of LRR receptor-like kinases: a cytoplasmic domain with all the 11 kinase subdomains, a transmembrane domain and an extracelullar domain containing 9 Leucine-Rich Repeat (LRR) units that may act as a receptor. The expression of GmSARK in soybean leaves was up-regulated in all the three tested senescence systems: senescing cotyledons, dark-induced primary leaf senescence and the natural leaf senescence process after florescence. Furthermore, the RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated knocking-down of GmSARK dramatically retarded soybean leaf senescence.
EvidenceGenetic evidence:Transgene [Ref 1]
1: Li XP, Gan R, Li PL, Ma YY, Zhang LW, Zhang R, Wang Y, Wang NN
Identification and functional characterization of a leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase gene that is involved in regulation of soybean leaf senescence.
Plant Mol. Biol. 2006 Aug;61(6):829-44

Gene Ontology
biological process
molecular function